Monday, October 29, 2007

Are they different from toys today?

Girls and boys from Wędrynia (Czech Republic) talked to their parents about the toys they had when they were small. Some of them brought one of these toys to school and some drew. Pupils compared how are they different from toys today? Even they are old - all those toys are so cute:)
We are waiting for next task. Bye, bye! Children from Wędrynia.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

eTwinning Quality Label

We were awarded by the National Support Service in Czech Republic and we've got the national Quality Label. We’d like to say thank you all children and teachers from project Play to learn. Our partnership is considered to be excellent and we are happy because again we can work on the „New play to learn”.

Irena Rajska and children from Wędrynia Czech Republic

Thursday, October 18, 2007

When our parents were young...........

Our parents drew their favourite toys

They made a good work!!!!!!
Do you like it?


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